Multiplexing Index Primers (Illumina Platform)
The Multiplexing Index Primers contain primer mix for multiplexing library samples for Next Generation Sequencing (NGS) on the illumina platform. Multiplexing of NGS library samples will reduce sequencing costs by pooling multiple NGS libraries into a single flow cell lane.
With library multiplexing, unique index sequence is added to individual sample during NGS library preparation. Therefore, each DNA molecule can be identified after pooling of multiple samples based on the index information they have.
Each of our index primers contains a unique index sequence with 6 bases that can be used to identify libraries. Library multiplexing up to 48 samples is possible.
Multiplexing Index Primers (illumina platform): Even distribution of 48 samples using index primers. 48 libraries were made using the BioDynami NGS DNA Library Prep Kit (Cat. # 30009) and the BioDynami Multiplexing Index Primers (Cat. # 30072). Libraries were pooled at equal concentration and sequenced on the illumina HiSeq 2500. The numbers of reads from 48 libraries were analyzed.
List of index sequence for the primers (each of the index primer mix contains universal primer and one of the index primers). Index number and the index sequence are listed.
List of indexes can be downloaded Here.
Sequence of the final library with index location:
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