NGS Library Preparation


NGS Library Prep

NGS library prep kits

    • DNA Library Prep – BioDynami NGS DNA Library Prep Kit has a simple workflows and a fast 1.5 hours protocol time, and 10 minutes of hands-on time.
    • DNA Library Prep Customization – BioDynami NGS DNA Library Prep Customization Kit made library prep possible with customized adaptors and PCR primers.
    • Low Input DNA Library Prep – BioDynami NGS Low Input DNA Library Prep Kit is specially developed for low input DNA from 1 ng.  The fast 1.5 hour protocol make it easy for NGS library prep.
    • FFPE DNA Library Prep – BioDynami NGS FFPE DNA Library Prep Kit provide a quick and easy approach of NGS library prep for FFPE DNA samples.
    • Cell-free DNA Library Prep – Low amount of cell-free DNA is perfect for BioDynami’s kit. The input DNA amount starts from 1 ng.
    • ChIP-Seq Library Prep – The low input amounts of ChIP-Seq library prep are compatible with BioDynami’s fast and simple workflow. Input ChIP DNA amount is from 5 ng to 400 ng.
    • Single Stranded DNA Library Prep – The BioDynami Single Stranded DNA Library Prep Kit was developed for construction of high quality libraries using single stranded DNA (50 ng – 500 ng) as input.
    • Ancient DNA Library Prep – The BioDynami Ancient DNA Library Prep Kit was was developed for construction of high quality libraries using ancient DNA as input. The kit is based on single stranded DNA library preparation, which is more effective for ancient DNA samples.
    • Bisulfite Sequencing Library Prep – The BioDynami Bisulfite Sequencing Library Prep Kit was developed for construction of NGS libraries using bisulfite treated DNA as input. Bisulfite Sequencing Library Prep Kit overcomes the significant library loss due to the bisulfite conversion.
    • Methylation Specific Bisulfite-Seq Library Prep – The BioDynami Methylation Specific Bisulfite-Seq Library Prep Kit was developed for construction of NGS libraries for methylated CpG sites using bisulfite treated DNA as input. The kit enriches methylated CpG regions, thus significantly reduce the sequencing cost. The kit estimates the whole genome methylation patterns at the single base level.
    • PCR-Free NGS DNA Library Prep – The BioDynami PCR-free NGS DNA Library Prep Kit was developed for construction of high quality NGS libraries without PCR. BioDynami kit can enrich fully ligated libraries and increase the sequencing yield.
    • NGS DNA Fragmentation & Library Prep – The BioDynami NGS DNA Fragmentation & Library Prep Kit was developed for construction of NGS  libraries without DNA shearing equipment. The kit uses intact genomic DNA as input DNA without an additional DNA fragmentation step.
    • RNA Seq Library Prep – RNA Seq Library Prep Kit was developed for construction of high quality libraries for next generation sequencing . The kit needs purified RNA (example: rRNA depleted RNA or polyA mRNA) as input for library construction.
    • NGS Library Circularization Kit (MGI platform) – NGS Library Circularization Kit (MGI Platform)was developed for preparation of single-stranded circular DNA libraries for next generation sequencing (MGI platform).





Multiplexing Index Primers

    • Multiplexing Index– Each of our index primers contains a unique 6 -base index sequence. Library multiplexing up to 48 samples is possible.
    • Multiplexing Unique Dual Index– BioDynami has developed a 4-Base Difference Index System that have 4 bases different from each other in the 8 bases index length. The primer set includes 96 pre-mixed unique pairs of index primers.



NGS Library Quantification Standards with PCR Primers

    • Illumina platform – The kit comprises DNA Standards (six 10-fold dilutions) and a primer mix.
    • Ion Torrent platform – The kit comprises DNA Standards (six 10-fold dilutions) and a primer mix.




NGS Library Normalization (Magnetic Beads)