Sample Submission Guideline For NGS DNA Library Prep
BioDynami pricing is based on the assumption that submitted samples can go straight into reactions, requiring little to no manipulation of samples by a technician. Therefore, any samples submitted that do not meet the requirements below will be subjected to a $20 surcharge per sample. If you have questions about our requirements, please contact us before isolating or preparing your samples for submission.
Heparin is a powerful PCR inhibitor and co-purifies with DNA. Therefore, DNA extracted from blood stored in Heparin-coated tubes should not be submitted.

Samples may be suspended in a wide variety of buffers, including 10mM Tris, water, or Qiagen EB. The most critical requirement is that buffers contain no more than 0.1 mM EDTA.
– 7 samples or less: samples should be submitted in 1.5mL tubes.
– 8 samples or more: samples should be submitted in 96-well PCR plate.
Print out the attached form to include in your shipment and verify that the sample numbers on the form match the samples you are shipping.
Print out and sign the Hazardous Declaration Form to include with your shipment. Any samples shipped without this document will be discarded.
Write your Purchase Order number on the outside of the box.
Ship samples overnight to the address below. We advise shipping no later in the week than Wednesday in case a carrier delay causes samples to sit over the weekend with no cooling available.
A confirmation email will be sent after we receive your samples.
Shipping Address
601 Genome Way
Huntsville AL 35806
For information, please contact support@biodynami.com
Genomic DNA amount & Volume
Genomic DNA: should be double-stranded and intact (non-degraded). Be pure and free of salts, proteins, and/or DNAses that will interfere with reactions or degrade DNA. Have an OD 260/280 between 1.8 – 2.0.
We STRONGLY recommend DNA concentrations to be determined by fluorometric means (picogreen/Qubit). Spectrometry (OD260/280) usually over estimate DNA concentrations.
– DNA amount: at least 500 ng
– Volume: 50 ul
To avoid handling fees of $20/sample, the required amount and volume must be sent as requested.